

Logistics is a rapidly expanding field that experienced growth even in the height of the recession so graduates can find a job in big corporations, small business, no-profit organizations or for local or federal government entities and many others. Graduates of the Bachelor’s studies in LOGISTICS at the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw are employees of qualified logistics centers and transportation companies, highly acclaimed by professionals.


Specializations to choose

Production Logistics  | Purchasing Logistics | Trade and Distribution Logistics | Logistics Systems


Specialization: Production Logistics

loglic pro


Graduates of Production Logistics are prepared to work for:

  • international and domestic production companies regardless of the industry,   
  • components factories,
  • international concerns,  
  • companies providing outsourcing of production processes,
  • technological and electro-technical processes automation equipment factories.

Specialization: Purchasing Logistics

loglic zakupow


Graduates of Purchasing Logistics are prepared to work for:

  • logistics centres,
  • production centres,
  • production companies regardless of the industry,
  • trading and service enterprises purchasing components, semi-finished products and others for the needs of production,,
  • companies involved in outsourcing of purchasing.

Specialization: Trade and Distribution Logistics

loglic handlu


Graduates of Trade and Distribution Logistics are prepared to work for:

  • logistics centres,
  • production centres,  
  • companies involved in warehouse management and distribution,
  • production and distribution companies of all industries,
  • companies involved in the sale and distribution of foreign products,
  • companies involved in sales and distribution of specified products.

Specialization: Logistics Systems

loglic systemy


Graduates of Logistics Systems are prepared to work for:

  • international and national production companies regardless the industry,
  • components factories,
  • international concerns,
  • companies providing the outsourcing of production processes.

Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu

ul. Sołtysowicka 19B,   51-168 Wrocław
 tel: (71) 324-68-42   email:


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