
Wszyscy Studenci Międzynarodowej Wyższej Szkoły Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu studiów licencjackich mają serdeczne zaproszenie do wzięcia udziału w letnim programie, który corocznie odbywa się w ICN Business School. Edycja 2014/2015 będzie realizowana od 8 czerwca do 5 lipca 2015 roku.

Więcej informacji w języku angielskim można znaleźć poniżej.

Summer Program
Metz and Nancy, at the heart of Europe

Fast Facts:

  • Redesigned in 2013 to include 3 concentrations for students to choose from: European Management, European Marketing and European Management of Luxury;
  • 3 Mandatory modules: European Institutions, Management & Business in Europe and Educational Visits;
  • 2 weeks on ICN's campus in Metz;
  • 1 week on ICN's campus in Nancy;
  • 1 week of travelling with visits to the European Parliament, Court of Justice, Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Caen, Paris;
  • Students earn between 8 and 10 ECTS credits;
  • French language courses (elective worth 2 ECTS credits);
  • Cost for exchange students: 2500 EUR (including housing & meals etc.);
  • Deadline for application: April 1st, 2015 (there are a few spots still available – deadline extended to April 15th).


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You will find below the Summer Program brochure, the Student Handbook containing syllabi, and the Application Form.


Summer Program

Student Handbook

Application Form

Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu

ul. Sołtysowicka 19B,   51-168 Wrocław
 tel: (71) 324-68-42   email:


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